• Jhansi,India
  • May 19, 2024


  Lets begin How a Kiss really Feels! When the lips are cold and the warmth is hold, the lips falling off, on the loving role. When you feel your heat, …

The icon of love is just a simple smiley

Forecasted for the moments Quelling through the spacing rents The symbol of lively nearness Is just a part of the void vents When you see me seeking you You show me …

The plant For-Soaked

The roots of the crown Are now rising above the ground The stalks of the creed Are now lessening beneath the heeds The fruits of the sorrow Are now soaring over …

My SISTER misses me so much that she even ask to air-lift her to heaven.

Bhaiya You don’t seem to be protective at all, You don’t even defend me when the cousins start mocking me, you don’t even scold my colleagues who bully me, You never …


Credits- shot_u_mentarian


The Mornings’ Dream

When was the last time you dreamt about something which totally vivified you the day? It’s a saying if you had a very strange dream in the morning time then you must be ‘open eyes’ throughout the day else you might experience mystifying events on the day. Today when I woke up suddenly in the morning just because of a terrifying (no, not a terrifying one) but an inexplicable dream which made me pen down it for envisaging. This begins like a doughty story with a plucky ingress, where I am 21, sleeping in my bedroom, and a dream with my second and third self, pet named XX and YY. 


“Dreams are the reality, of the parallel world, emanated by you, where you are the creator, implementer, and eliminator.”

They both are totally me but differ only by a quality tag of God and Devil respectively. My besties XX (pronounced “double X”) and YY (pronounced “double Y”) were two different selves of mine, where one has virtues of deity and the other is pure evil. I called them by their quality tags rather than by their literal names. They both were against each other’s ideology of suggesting to me throughout the journey, if God says walk on the footpath just to make me follow the rules then Devil says walk at the middle of the road, to make me follow the notion. (Not only vehicles should be allowed to use the middle section, but the footed ones are also the aspirants). So by this, you can find out the distinction between them. 
We were traversing on the course of life story, where three (I, XX, and YY) of us are brawling with each other in deciding the exact route of reaching an unknown purpose to meet the ones I usually miss and think about when daydreaming. At initial, we knew it was a long way and we might create some dissensions in reaching there and as the journey starts with time, the things were more ostensible as assumed primary. We began with hating, hushing, disputing by raising our voices at each other. Since we three were similar but still hungering on for such small worldly desires that bring us to commit slay ideologically but not practically.
“Effectuating the fact, we breathe to live. But never literally ratified, we breathe to give”.  
The first lap we reached tussling with was of five trees planted thirty years ago together in a closed circle which now make a hut type canopy due to the contiguity of the nodes of each tree and under which there is always a cold wind pressure with a big heavy stone placed like a platform just before each tree to sit, breathe & relax. These soapbox stones were once placed by me and some of my pals while smoking and having a time with natures’ beauty as you’ll hardly find five trees planted & grown, together with a natural hut. I don’t know why this dream chooses to take the first stop here but whatever, this was the best stop I would always choose in reality.
I still remember when I stood here for the first time after placing these natural heavy boxes, I said “it’s the best place to spend my entire life breathing beneath these trees”, just because of that cool pleasant atmosphere fashioned by the trees and the company I used to enjoy with, which was now lost in present and was searching them in dreams. We never thought of departing each other but we knew the time will come and we all have to be on our own paths and will be lost in fulfillment of future plans which will make us tire one day. We all have to realize the fact that whatever we do for our own good lasts shortly but if we do it for others it never lasts only (getting back to the dream).
Now we moved further on the path but let me tell you about a habit of mine that whenever I felt sleepy I act like a drunkard without being drunk. As we left the first lap, suddenly I felt that I am turning into a drunken head and unless we reach our next checkpoint I will be carrying out the same. I started suffering the highness of my sleep that, the other two kept holding me on all over the way to make me lie down on the second lap. What an amazing irony one can come across, (I was sleeping and was dreaming of sleeping) and the other one was (I was acting like a drunkard without been drunk).
We reached the second lap where I took a sound sleep and got ready to move forward sincerely towards the end of the journey. The second lap was a beach and I was lying down beside the rivers’ bank. It seems shocking I have never been to any beach nor any river banks in my reality and still in that dream, my second lap was the beach. This was inexplicable to my satisfaction of knowing the reason, of being there, but still, I can explain the entire scenario of that beach initiating from getting into sleep and awakening of it till we moved further. I literally don’t know the ingress to that beach everything seeks to be blurred due to the highness but I remembered the road we were walking on, then took a steep turn which eventually brings us to that beach.
My pals settle themselves for a while at a suitable place to rest as they were carrying me for a long time. The environment seems to be in love with us as it was dark cloudy and about to rain heavily, with a satisfying breeze flowing towards us which was directly hitting the faces and made all three of us sleep deeply. When I woke up, I took a very keen look at the beach and found only one tree which was grown tall, in the shape of a mushroom which makes a proper long rounded shade where my partners were distressing. I didn’t like, that single tree so I grew some more trees there which immediately grew rapidly in front of us like magic, few people were littering around which I didn’t like so I erased them. They were just humiliating the beach’s beauty by throwing garbage and besmirching nature, so I erased those peoples, their garbage, and their humiliation of yonder. This was the very first time I showed myself the real act of a supernatural human being and I knew there are more, to come(obviously in the dream).
“Love to be on this planet! Where the highest is the sky and the lowest is the water, when they meet together, they make wide blue yonder”. 
I was excited about being on a beach for the first time in my life wandering, jumping To and Fro happily. Touching and feeling the river with both hands walking on the surface of river water (another act of supernatural human being) as if I was witnessing this all in reality but it was a dream (again an irony). It seems so real, passionate and made it possible for me to explain because I was like a bystander of those events. I observed every event so keenly like a God who is omnipresent. It was like, I was there above the clouds like God, watching humans (including me) performing deeds while living in this world. It was me who was creating the characters, events, and tasks to be performed (again an act of supernatural human being). It was me who was implementing everything and, at last, it was me who was eliminating the things I disliked. It began raining and we were now ready to move. Despite the heavy rain, we headed further in our way and left the beach. Soon I commanded the rain to stop gradually (another act of supernatural human being).
Coming over the way we found a woman standing with her back facing us. The Devil started humming a random tune whereas, God stays calm and gave a gentle look to her. The time she turned to me I hugged her directly. (Why?) Perhaps we were in love and in a kind of relation once, or it is just about a dream girl. (Actually, both are the same and it’s very difficult to have your dream girl and lover to be the same. People hardly find their dream girl in reality). I still love her as she has a way of living congruent to me. Maybe she had the same reason too though I never asked why she loved me. Maybe that’s why I met her in my dreams and not in reality. Soon after this short meet I thanked her for every bit of memory, smiled, and just walked ahead. 
Time doesn’t wait for any and when it makes you feel that, means you had been stuck on something which you have to leave soon. Perhaps I had the same problem so we started running towards the final destination. But do we really know what is the final destination or where is it and when it is going to come? No, we hardly know anything and we were just moving meeting people at places despite the truth of being in a dream. So where am I stuck, in my dream or in my verity? But the dream was mine and I was the deity of it. So I decided to put this dream to an end by waking up, and the other two would vanish immediately as I was just over with them. I told them in a dream that they had really pissed me off and now I don’t want either of them and am going to wake up and you both will be finished.
They got sort of edgy and realized the fact that I am their pioneer and can really kill them in the dream, so they had to attend to me the way I wanted. The very foremost thing I told them was to merge themselves and get them back in my mind. So not having any options left I merged them and brought them into my brain and showed the final real act of supernatural human being to me. Now I have both my positive and negative aspects back in me which initially were tramping around me since I started this dream. I was about to wake up on my own but we have mothers too to do this job when we all, oversleep and become supernatural human beings in dreams. They use to come, sprinkle some water on the face, and shouts like we have been asleep for years.

“Time is meant to be spent. Unless you have it enough you can’t even have it on rent”.


*Context meaning:

1. Vivified –curious about something interesting
2. Mystifying – puzzled
 3. Envisaging – predicting future events
 4. Doughty – courageous
5. Plucky – heroic
6. Ingress – an entrance
7. Brawling – fighting
8. Dissensions – disputes
 9. Ostensible – apparent (clear)
10. Besmirching – contaminating
11. Verity – reality (truth)
12. Tramping – walking noisily 



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